Carbotermo’s Proactive Defense Against Ransomware: A Case Study on Ricoh RansomCare

As digital threats grow more sophisticated, companies are enhancing cybersecurity to protect valuable data. Carbotermo, a leading player in Italy’s energy services market, recognized the urgent need to safeguard its IT infrastructure against ransomware—a malicious threat affecting businesses globally. This case study highlights how Carbotermo effectively implemented Ricoh RansomCare, powered by BullWall, to strengthen its defenses and maintain uninterrupted operations.

Company Overview: Carbotermo

Founded over seventy years ago in Milan, Carbotermo has grown from a small family business into a leading energy services provider in Italy. Specializing in the design, construction, and maintenance of heating and air-conditioning systems, the company serves both public and private sectors, including hospitals and municipalities. With over 400 employees, Carbotermo is known for high-quality services and a strong commitment to innovation in the energy sector.

The Challenge: Rising Cybersecurity Threats

As Carbotermo expanded and embraced digital transformation, IT became increasingly crucial, bringing new cybersecurity challenges. Despite existing protections, the company recognized it was not fully prepared for ransomware attacks, which can lead to data encryption, theft, and operational disruptions. Realizing the potential impact, Carbotermo’s IT team, led by Fabrizio Zinni, sought a robust solution to detect and neutralize threats before they could cause harm.

The Solution: Ricoh RansomCare 

To tackle its cybersecurity challenges, Carbotermo partnered with Ricoh Italy to implement Ricoh RansomCare, powered by BullWall, a cutting-edge solution designed to protect against ransomware. Ricoh RansomCare can quickly identify and neutralize zero-day ransomware threats, preventing data encryption and theft. The implementation began with a demonstration by Ricoh, simulating attack scenarios to showcase the solution’s effectiveness.

Following the initial assessment, Carbotermo entered a ‘Ransomware Assessment‘ phase to thoroughly test the platform’s performance within their specific IT environment. The results were promising, leading to the full operational rollout of the solution​.

How Ricoh RansomCare Works

Ricoh RansomCare operates by continuously monitoring the network shares of Carbotermo’s file servers. These servers manage all of the company’s critical data. If any anomalies are detected—such as unusual patterns of file encryption or access—the system automatically isolates the compromised devices, effectively stopping the ransomware attack in its tracks.

The Benefits: Enhanced Security and Peace of Mind

The implementation of Ricoh RansomCare brought numerous benefits to Carbotermo. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Fast Installation and Configuration: The solution was quickly integrated into Carbotermo’s existing IT infrastructure, minimizing downtime and disruption.
  • Proactive Threat Engagement: Ricoh RansomCare detects and neutralizes threats in real-time, addressing ransomware attacks before they can impact operations.
  • Rapid Response to Attacks: The solution’s ability to neutralize threats within seconds prevents data encryption and theft, safeguarding Carbotermo’s valuable information.
  • Autonomous Operation: Ricoh RansomCare operates independently, allowing Carbotermo’s IT team to focus on other critical tasks without the need for constant monitoring or manual intervention.
  • Minimal Impact on Performance: Despite its robust security capabilities, Ricoh RansomCare runs without slowing down Carbotermo’s network, infrastructure, or device performance.
  • Automated Alerts and Monitoring: The system continuously monitors for potential issues, sending automated alerts to Ricoh for swift action in the event of a complex problem, ensuring rapid restoration of affected systems.


Carbotermo’s proactive approach to cybersecurity, exemplified by the implementation of Ricoh RansomCare powered by BullWall, serves as a model for other companies facing similar threats. In a digital landscape where ransomware continues to evolve, having a robust, autonomous solution in place is essential for protecting critical data and ensuring business continuity.

By partnering with Ricoh, Carbotermo not only enhanced its cybersecurity posture but also gained peace of mind, knowing that its IT infrastructure is well-protected against even the most sophisticated ransomware attacks. This case study underscores the importance of staying ahead of cyber threats and the value of working with trusted technology partners to achieve this goal.

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